Latest Rock Wallaby News
30th November 2023The latest update from Friends Of The Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby
Latest news, events and happenings for adventure lovers in the Blue Mountains, NSW
The latest update from Friends Of The Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby
A short video about the Rock Wallabies we’re supporting with your help
An update on the endangered rock wallabies that we are supporting with your help
An inspiring first-hand experience of a first-time abseiler challenging her fears – and winning!
Your adventure can help protect endangered Brush Tailed Rock Wallabies – find out about the efforts to protect these cute native animals and our donations to their cause.
We’ve joined up with other local adventure companies in Adventure Aid, an initiative to raise funds for projects aimed at restoring bushfire-damaged areas and ensuring safety for visitors to the Blue Mountains National Park.
It’s a popular tourist destination attracting thousands from across the country and the world – known for its breathtaking scenery and fresh air.
Blue Mountains Abseiling- what it’s like to abseil with High and Wild through the spectacular Blue Mountains, west of Sydney
So spectacular is the landscape, teeming with eucalyptus trees, majestic rock formations and waterfalls, that it’s hard to believe you’re only 100 kilometres west of Sydney.
Come to the Mayfield Autumn Festival this 13 to 28 April 2019 and enjoy the beautiful Autumn colours.
Guided walk with bags transported from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves
A 3 day walking experience along the historic Bridle trail of the Six Foot Track discovering the panoramic scenery from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. Regular scheduled monthly departures
Eucalyptus and many other plants have new red growth in Spring
The Xanthorrhoea or grass tree is a genus of 30 species endemic to Australia.
The duck-beak-shaped labellum can retract and momentarily capture insects. This gives the insect a good coating of pollen before it hopefully departs to the next duck orchid, thus increasing its chance of cross-pollination.
The Blue Mountains and Great Dividing Range were formed about 50 million years ago when the area was uplifted. More recently, volcanic flows covered large areas of the mountains in basalt. These have largely worn away, leaving only occasional outcrops on the high peaks.